Sunday, 12 October 2014

Find The Beauty That Is Left

We focus so much energy on what is awful in life. What it is that we are missing. But what about all the wonderful things. The fact that we are alive. The fact that we know people that are fighting everyday to see the light. I see the beauty of the world through friends all the time. When I hear that they ate breakfast. They took their meds. They were honest in therapy. That is beautiful. That is fighting. So, yes the darkness is overwhelming and scary. But we wake every day and eat every terrifying bite. We tell our eating disorders to leave us alone. We try to do the next right thing. And trying is what counts. If we give up, then the beauty ends. So, we keep fighting. One bite at time. One step at a time. One fight at a time. Eventually, the light will get brighter. The colors will be more vibrant. Because we will have made it. That is why we have to fight now. To get there.

Fight. Fight that bitch in your head.

Stay Strong
xo Aria

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